Thursday, February 26, 2009

[MW:1658] Re: Difference between Full & 100 % radiography

So far as I know the Full Radiography is the term used for PV fabrication.
It is defined in ASME sec.VIII/UW-11. It is not 100% radiography as some of
the joints are excluded from the requirement of RT (for e.g. nozzle butt
welds with DN 250 and smaller that are thinner than 29 mm)

On the other hand, 100% Radiography is the term used in piping fabrication.
And it implies 100% radiography of all the butt joints.

But some times Client may ask 100% RT in PV also.

Hope it clarifies.

Best regards,


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materials-welding cc

26/02/09 04:41 PM [MW:1654] Difference between Full &
100 % radiography

Please respond to

I want to know the Difference between Full & 100 % radiography and the
code/cases that is being spelt out.


Best Regards,
Sudipto Banerjee

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