Thursday, March 29, 2018

[MW:27578] Re: Welding S355 JR


No, you cant use the S275JR material grade PQR to support welding of S355JR grade steel as per EN ISO 15614 Table 3 which deals about Range of qualification for steel groups and sub-groups. 

In this table 3, Note " a" says that  - Covers (lets say any PQR) the equal or lower specified yield strength steels of the same group. 

That means, your PQR material S275JR's  yield strength is 275 MPa. But S355 material yield strength is 355 MPa. So as per NOTE "a" you can use the PQR for equal or lower yield strength material only. As S355JR is higher yield strength material than your PQR, you cant use.


R Vairamuthu

On Friday, March 23, 2018 at 12:47:48 PM UTC+3, Maghroud Moussa wrote:

Dear experts


Please can you help to tell me if a PQR made with S275JR ( Process is SMAW 111, E 7018) can supporte welding of S355JR according to EN normes.


Best regard


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does This means that if we qualify for S355JR than that can be used for S275JR?

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