Sunday, December 3, 2017

[MW:27095] RE: 27037] Issues during hydro-testing of Internal floating roof tank

Dear Makrand

1.       Check if your client allows corrosion inhibitors

2.       Make sure you have isolated/insulated the aluminum from Carbon steel ie no metal connection.

However the code allows 15 days for hydrostatic test.


From: [] On Behalf Of Makrand Sakpal
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2017 1:56 PM
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:27037] Issues during hydro-testing of Internal floating roof tank




We have an internal floating roof tank with an aluminum internal floating roof and other MOC of tank being CS. Does anyone of you anticipated any issues if hydro-testing the tanks with water if water will be in the tanks longer than 3 days? Have ever you faced Galvanic Corrosion will be caused by using Aluminum Internal Floating roof and hydro-testing with water for periods of time that exceed 3 days. As our tank will take approximately 9-11 days to hydro-test, hold 24 hours and then drain.

Please share your opinions.

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