Thursday, December 28, 2017

[MW:27236] Re: WPS/PQR, Range Qualified

can anyone know what is the range of qualification for 40mm thk plate (QW-403.8) for FCAW process. because QW-451 note-3 not shows FCAW process so confused. whether 2T or 5-200mm

On Sunday, 11 October 2009 10:53:27 UTC+5:30, Shashank Vagal wrote:
Hi Group Members,
Please see the following and advise.
Shashank Vagal


dear every one,

i have this problem i need to know the thickness range or pipes diameter range for the wps in which standard i think its in asme sec 9 but where ???

for exmple if i have wps for thickness 15 is it cover the 20 mm

waiting answer please


My Reply:


A WPS is a guideline to ensure joint integrity as proven by PQR + applicable mech tests + NDT. It is intended for all job sizes once the welding technique used proves itself in these tests. The sizes etc come in to picture by qualifying welder on test coupons of a given size as per your job requirements. ASME IX stipulates weld metal deposit and not job size. Please ref to QW 450 - 461.

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