Thursday, October 12, 2017

Re: [MW:26908] Welding procedure with Impact test

Yes.. WPS to be qualified with impact test; if you have PQR suitable for BM, FM is suitable for impact properties , welded in uphill positions  and tested for code required tests, then you need to weld only one test coupon as per existing WPS & carry out impact test at MDMT or lower temp.

When Design specify applicability of impact test, then you need your welding procedures with impact test.


On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 11:35 AM, Somu Meganathan <> wrote:
Hello all,

Till  today we have not qualified any welding procedures with impact test requirements. Now we got an order with impact test requirements. i.e, HE body flange need to be impact tested at -9 deg. C. It seems we need to qualify the welding procedures with impact test.

My doubts are We need to qualify the welding procedure with impact with -9 Deg.C or can we do less than -9 Deg.C. Is it required impact tested welding procedures, when the materials need impact test qualified?


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