Thursday, December 25, 2014

Re: [MW:22640] FCAW Consumable for Ferritic SS

Dear Mr.Raj,
The weldability of X10CrAlSi7 was limited.
You can use ER309 filler for the stated combinations.
Preheat (min 200°C) & Interpass (max. 300°C) should be maintained.
Cutting of these materials by thermal process is critical for obtaing good results on mechanical properties.
Low heat input should be used while welding.

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 3:02 PM, Raj Gupta <> wrote:
Dear Experts,
Plz suggest me a FCAW/GMAW consumable for Ferritic Stainless Steel Grade X10CrAlSi7, Number 1.4713, Standard: EN 10095 to same and a joint with Mild Steel. And What precautions should be taken for welding of Ferritic Stainless Steel. if you have any literature related to weldability of same steel plz provide, it will be very helpful.


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With Regards
Srinivasu V
Welding Engineer

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