Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Re: [MW:22620] Grinding or filling is allowed on Final pass (on capping) for WPQT ? Urgent plse..

Since yave done all NDT on this joint and you found defect after that will be considered as a "Repair welding". You open a NCR and You can do repair on that area and confirm by suitable NDT and close the NCR.
Thanks & Regards,


QA / QC Manager
German-Thai Boiler Engineering Cooperation Limited.
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On Monday, December 22, 2014 4:26 PM, "Vijay.Tayade@akersolutions.com" <Vijay.Tayade@akersolutions.com> wrote:.

Hello Sir,
Sorry for diverting from The Welder Qualification subject to Production welding.
Can You Put light on Below please question -.
Consider a situation where Fatigue Grinding is required on production welding. The joint is visual and NDT Tested and accepted with all examination.
However during grinding due to poor grinding skill, it is excavated more than requirement and results in lesser wall thickness.
Is this case shall be consider as "repair welding"? Or welding parameter as per original WPS are allowed to be used for welding three new bead and meet the required wall thickness.
Pipe Wall thickness is 24.4mm,
Best regards,
Vijay Tayade
Welding Engineer | Materials Technology
Aker Solutions.
Tel: +91 20 6691 8929 ( 60 18929)  | Mob: +91 9960599789
Vijay.tayade@akersolutions.com   |   Www.akersolutions.com
Aker Subsea Powergas Pvt Ltd
Visiting address: IT-2 Blue Ridge SEZ, Hinjewadi, Pune 411057,. India
Registered in India, CIN: U74990MH2010PTC210736.

Description: Description: Aker Solutions logo.
From: Materials-welding@googlegroups.com [mailto: Materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of George.dilintas@gr.bureauveritas.com Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 7:52 PM To: materials-welding @. googlegroups.com Subject: RE: [MW: 22447] Grinding or Filling is allowed on Final Pass (on capping) for WPQT? Urgent plse ..

As we generally consider any Repair Intervention After Final VI / NDE.
If The welder himself is "Adjusting" The WELD appearance, this is Not considered a Repair.
best regards Dr. Georgios Dilintas Authorized Nuclear Inspector Authorized Inspector Supervisor I & F REGIONAL TECHNICAL MANAGER BUREAU VERITAS HELLAS Tel: +30 210 40 63 113/4 Fax: +30 210 40 63 118 Cell: +30 69 44 64 62 04

(See attached file: Dilintas_George.vcf. )

Inactive hide details for --- 03/12/2014 05:44:37 --- Hello Nandesh, Continuing the subject, you mention that -.
12.3.2014 5:44:37 --- --- Hello Nandesh, Continuing The subject, You mention that -

From: < Vijay.Tayade@akersolutions.com >
To: < Materials-welding@googlegroups.com >
Date. : 03.12.2014 5:44
Subject: RE: [MW: 22436] Grinding or Filling is allowed on Final Pass (on capping) for WPQT? Plse urgent ..
Sent by: Materials-welding@googlegroups.com.

Hello Nandesh,
Continuing the subject, you mention that -.
Filing a completed weld for good visual appearance, is not a problem, I think.
Consider a situation where Fatigue Grinding is required on production welding. The joint is visual and NDT Tested and accepted with all examination.
However during grinding due to poor grinding skill, it is excavated more than requirement and results in lesser wall thickness.
Is this case shall be consider as "repair welding" There is no issue with the welding however it is now require to be "re-weld" or refill of cap.
Provide your view.
Best regards,
Vijay Tayade

Welding Engineer | Materials Technology
Aker Solutions.
Tel: +91 20 6691 8929 ( 60 18929)  | Mob: +91 9960599789
Vijay.tayade@akersolutions.com   |   Www.akersolutions.com

Aker Subsea Powergas Pvt Ltd

Visiting address: IT-2 Blue Ridge SEZ, Hinjewadi, Pune 411057,. India
Registered in India, CIN: U74990MH2010PTC210736.

Description: Description: Aker Solutions logo.
From:  Materials-welding@googlegroups.com [ mailto: Materials-welding@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf Of Nandesh Kumar
 Friday, December 28, in 2012 two thirty-four PM
 Re:. [MW: 16356] Grinding or filling is allowed on Final pass (on capping) for WPQT? Urgent plse ..
Not ASME Sec IX do address this Issue. As Far As I know, The only code which allows grinding of welds is completed AWS D1.5 - 2002nd (Bridge Welding Postnummer) See Clause, 2nd Para, Point # 4. (. 4) The completed WELD Smooth grinding and Flush with The surface adjacent to Produce a liable Finish (See 3.6.3). Further, 3.6.3 says:  Unless otherwise approved by The Engineer, all Reinforcement Shall be removed Where The WELD forms a Part. of a faying surface. Reinforcement any Shall smoothly Blend Into The Plate surfaces with transition areas free from WELD EDGE undercut. Chipping May be Used, Provided it is followed by grinding. IMO, grinding of The completed welds should be applicable only for (including As SUGGESTED by C Sridhar) removing sharp notches, Bulbous Contours, overlaps only with Prior Approval and Presence of Concerned Inspector /. engineer, especially Qualification welds. No welder should be allowed to Grind The completed welds on their own, As they Mess Make it sometimes. I Have seen welders TRY to "Remove" external undercuts by grinding The Base Metal and Bringing it to The Level of surface of undercut, which May Reduce The Minimum specified Wall Thickness of The Base Metal. Filing a completed WELD for good Visual appearance, is. Not a problem, I Think. I'm also Waiting for The Opinion of Experts of this Forum.  



ವಂದನೆಗಳೊಂದಿಗೆ /  Best regards, Nandesh Kumar A Abu Dhabi, UAE.


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--- On Thu, 27/12/12, C Sridhar < Sridhar305@yahoo.com >  wrote:.

From: C Sridhar < Sridhar305@yahoo.com >
Subject: Re: [MW: 16353] Grinding or Filling is allowed on Final Pass (on capping) for WPQT? Plse urgent ..
To: " Materials-welding@googlegroups.com "< Materials-welding@googlegroups.com >
Date: Thursday, 27 December, in 2012, four forty-three PM.
Mr. Sathis kumar,
Codes do not specify about the grinding & filling, on not only final but even in filler passes. It is the discrepancy
of the Inspection authority who witnesses the test. Some allow it while few do not. They feel it is lack of skill on the part of the welder concerned if he is allowed to grind such surface defect.
But, it need not be a fact. Say if it is a surface pore due to sudden breeze or to other reasons where welder is not at fault, he takes the Inspector into confidence to remove such defects by grinding or other means. So it is a selective thinking.
More attention is given in initial visual inspection for root defects like. LP, LF, UC, Ex. Penetration, Oxidation (in TIG process), Cavities, under flush etc., than on surface defects on cap runs.

From:  Sathish Kumar < Sathishbemech@gmail.com >
 Thursday, 27 December 2 012 two thirty-seven PM
 [MW: 16349] Grinding or Filling is allowed on Final Pass (on capping). for WPQT? Urgent plse ..
Dear Experts,
Please Advice.
Whether or Filling Grinding is allowed on Final Pass (on capping) for Welder Performance Qualification test (WPQT) for Plate or Pipe. Since Qualification is done based on ASME Sec 9, So I Need As Per ASME Sec 9 reference only.
Also I referred Already ASME Sec 9 - QW194, which only Mentions The Complete Joint penetration for Visual Examination for WPQT. But it is more Not Specific in Case of Grinding or Filling and also some Other (Acceptable limits?) Parameters like Reinforcement, undercut, underfill etc ..
I Need reference only Asme Sec 9, Because As Per The project contract is only Asme Sec 9. applicable for our project in Case of WPQT.
Advice please guys ..
Thanks in advance ..
Sathish. K
Welding inspector.
Jubail, Saudi arabia.
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Re: [MW:35477] WPS for Furnace PWHT

The spools have 1" to 36" Piping joints. The WPS with PWHT is available only for large diameter / high thickness. can we do PWHT i...