Monday, December 15, 2014

[MW:22572] RE: 22570] Lamination check pipe cutting by cuting tools.

With any method of cutting you could either cut through a lamination, or cut so that you have a lamination close to the bevel but not actually emerging on the bevel. Apart from UT  you may do MPI on the cut edge to see if a lamination is apparent on the end bevel. What you decide to do depends on whether the lamination check by either is required by the specification. If the final welded joint is subject to UT this will be revealed and you will have a cut-out.




From: [] On Behalf Of S.Mohammed
Sent: 14 December 2014 15:22
Subject: [MW:22570] Lamination check pipe cutting by cuting tools.


Dear all,

API 8/10" pipe sch40.

Lamination cheking bevel edge require if pipe cut with pnematic cutting tool?

Or only require when flame cutting involve?


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