Saturday, March 22, 2014

Re: [MW:20397] Tack welding

Dear Mr. Javeed, The requirements may be different by standard.
However since you have to be able to proof that the the welding procedure matches the base material, you will need a qualified welding procedure for the base material and process, even if you remove the tackweld. You also need a qualified welder. The qualification for a fillet weld may do.

Best Regards,

ing Dick Overkleeft EWE
Bureau Veritas Marine

2014-03-19 6:03 GMT+01:00 mahammed javeed <>:
Gentle men,

My question regards to the tack welding. I have to make a  bridge tack weld on a 2" SS pipe. As per my company procedure tack welding shall be done by a qualified welder with a qualified procedure. 

As per my knowledge bridge tack is a fillet weld and if a welder is qualified on 6G position on a pipe he is qualified to do so. 

The problem with my client is he said the procedure is not qualified as the base metal thickness qualified for the WPS is 1.5mm to 8.4 mm and the actual base metal thickness is 8.7mm. 

As it is a fillet weld I think the WPS is qualified for tack welding also

Hope to get your clarification on this subject.

Best Regards
M. Javeed

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