Sunday, April 1, 2012

[MW:14035] Welder Performance as per API 650, renewal of certificates.

Dear All,

I have qualified welders as per Sec IX, 2010. Construction code is API 650.
As Per API 650 clause one spot radiograph shall be taken in
the first 3 m (10 ft) of completed vertical joint of each type and
thickness welded by each welder or welding operator.
As per Sec-IX, QW-322.2 Renewal of Qualification
(a) Renewal of qualification expired under
QW-322.1(a) may be made for any process by welding a
single test coupon of either plate or pipe, of any material,
thickness or diameter, in any position, and by testing of
that coupon as required by QW-301 and QW-302. A successful
test renews the welder or welding operator's previous
qualifications for that process for those materials,
thicknesses, diameters, positions, and other variables for
which he was previously qualified.
Providing the requirements of QW-304 and QW-305 are
satisfied, renewal of qualification under QW-322.1(a) may
be done on production work.
(b) Welders and welding operators whose qualifications
have been revoked under QW-322.1(b) above shall requalify.
Qualification shall utilize a test coupon appropriate to
the planned production work. The coupon shall be welded
and tested as required by QW-301 and QW-302. Successful
test restores the qualification.

I have a question that , What is the extent of examination and lowest
permissable repair for satisfactory performance of an welder.
Client code does not tell anything about that.
Please give me the answer.

Thanks & Regards
Biplab Pal

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