Monday, November 1, 2010

[MW:7971] RE: 7969 - A No Issue.

Hi J.C.Andrews,

It's true that ER-70S-6 does not fall within the A No range as per ASME Sec-IX (I attached illustrations form Sec-II, Part C and Sec-IX below). Sec-II Part C has incorporated enormous number of AWS classifications over the years, and all of these consumable may not have exact A No.

However should fabricators end up in a scenario like this the following QW-404.5 should be applied to justify use of ER-70S-6 consumable and others on the basis of chemical composition reported. Change of A No issue is an essential variable.

QW-404.5 (Applicable only to ferrous metals). A change in the chemical composition of the weld deposit from one A-Number to any other A-Number in table QW-442. The weld metal chemical composition may be determined by any of the following:-

For SMAW, GTAW, and PAW — from the chemical analysis of the weld deposit prepared according to the filler metal specification, or from the chemical composition as reported either in the filler metal specification or the manufacturer’s or supplier’s certificate of compliance.

In lieu of an A-Number designation, the nominal chemical composition of the weld deposit shall be indicated on the WPS and on the PQR. Designation of nominal chemical composition may also be by reference to the AWS classification except for the “G” suffix classification, the manufacturer's trade designation, or other established procurement documents.

I hop  this would help to clear the doubts.


Pradip Goswami,P.Eng.
Welding & Metallurgical Specialist & Consultant,

From: [] On Behalf Of cyril andrews
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 11:36 AM
Subject: [MW:7969]

Dear all ,

I hope the detail which I am going to ask  may be familiar to all,


The Query is for GTAW –Carbon Steel welding some time we will use ER-70S-6 but it is not  having valid A-Number as per ASME Section IX. But in ASME Section II –C they given this electrode chemical composition for one range but in ASME Section IX they have some limitations for A-Numbers.  

Why this happens it all under ASME Code. Can anyone explain. How to solve this problem. For example some company bought ER-70S-6 in huge amount what they will do.  Please find a solution?????????????



QA/QC Engineer,



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