Friday, November 26, 2010

Re: [MW:8379] Hydrotesting Pressure gauge calibration

Dear Pravin,
I think pressure gauge calibration period depends upon the extent of use of the pressure gauge or the client specification. It needs to be stated in your quality control system.
But one think which is needed is pressure gauge verification or calibration after hydrotest to check whether there is any damaged that was caused to the gauge during hydrotest.
If it shows out of calibration. The test needs to be repeated again with proper pressure gauge.
Priyanka Deshmukh.
Engineer QAC.

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Praveen Kumar <> wrote:

Dear All,


Can you pls Suggest as the Piping Hydrotesting Pressure gauge calibration period of time,

and also is there any code/stds governing for this.






Praveen Kumar

Mechanical Engineer


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Priyanka Deshmukh,
Quality Control Engineer,
Transparent Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd.

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