Saturday, November 27, 2010

Re: [MW:8408] Defect in PQR Specimen

Dear Friend,

There is no any requirement of radiography for PQR test piece in ASME
Section ix. It is our internal test.

It is not code requirement.

See QW-451 for Mechanical Testing

On 11/27/10, yoga nandhan <> wrote:
> Anyone, Can u plz give your opinion,
> PQR qualification of SS pipe, 30" x 15.88 mm thik pipe by SMAW+SAW process,
> In RT defect observed in 200 mm length which is not acceptable as per Sec
> IX. But rest of the portions are without any significant defects.
> Can we proceed with the Mechanical testing after discarding the defect area
> or is it required to Repair & Re-RT to be done in the defect area before
> taking the specimen for mechancial testing..... Plz clarify.
> BR
> P.Yoganandhan
> --
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Shaunak Upadhyay,
Mo:- 09662519411

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