Monday, November 29, 2010

RE: [MW:8420] Cracks in pipe wedling

Dear friends, we had a case recently where wleders were grinding too much after first pass, so we had some cracks and it was hard to find the reason for them...

Ing. Luis Albanés M.
El Salvador
cel 503 70488959
Skype: albanes61
fax 1 303 479 6738

--- El sáb 27-nov-10, César Alexis Viteri Pérez <> escribió:

De: César Alexis Viteri Pérez <>
Asunto: RE: [MW:8410] Cracks in pipe wedling
Fecha: sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010, 10:22

Dear C.Nagabhushanam
Please find attached a WPS for a similar welding.
According to my experience for heavy pipes, preheat , clamping time  and time between passes can generate cracks, for instance during 4 first passes has not to be any movement of pipeline and time between them has to be short.
Let a joint only with three or four passes for finishing in the next day is take a risk of cracks. 
I'm not a native speaker, so pls excuse my english.

Subject: [MW:8400] Cracks in pipe wedling
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2010 12:34:54 +0530

Dear ,


Please advise me for 34 inch Dia and 20mm thickness pipe of 65X why the cracks are observed while using E 8010G & remedial action.




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