Sunday, November 28, 2010

Re: [MW:8419] HOT PASS

Hi Mr. Rao

About & Purpose "HOT PASS"

The surface of a root pass may be irregular, have undercut, overlap, slag incl., or other defects, depending upon the type of weld and the condition of the root pass. The surface of a root can be cleaned by grinding or hot pass.

A hot pass can be used to correct some of the problems caused by a poor root pass. The hot pass may be a hotter than normal filler pass or it may be made without adding extra filler.

A hot pass can be used to correct incomplete root fusion or excessive concavity of the root surface, and improper penetration also.

Eg.1: Improper fusion generally is caused by insufficient heat and temperature for the joint. To correct this condition, a hot pass is used without adding more filler metal.

Eg.2: Concave root surface are generally caused by insufficient filler metal for the joint. To correct this condition, a " hot filler pass" is used to add both the needed metal and heat.

The hot pass should be conducted the same as the first welding process, but depends on your situation. 

Eg. In piping if you use GTAW for root pass, then hot pass should be GTAW-it is preferable. If the welder grind the root to remove defects as stated above, he may remove root completely at any point (accidently), so in this case same welding process is preferred to cover root & your WPS.

The hot pass generally uses a higher than normal amperage setting (approx. 10% higher than root amps setting)  and a fast travel speed.



From: srinivas rao <>
Sent: Thu, 25 November, 2010 12:46:43 AM
Subject: [MW:8366] HOT PASS

Hi Gents,

I have  doubt reg HOT PASS.

1. what is the purpose of doing HOT PASS with more speed and high current?

2. Should the Welding Process used for Root be the same for HOT PASS? If not necessarily then how should we decide?

Thank you All



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