Sunday, November 28, 2010

[MW:8422] HOTTAP on SOUR LINE (PWHT Required)

Dear All;


We have a hot tap on LPG line (Sour service) which require PWHT.

The run Pipe is 4”, the branch is also 4”, split tee will be used.

As per shell DEP- – for Hot tapping, clearly mention:

Hot-tap welding should not normally be performed on materials which require post-weld

heat treatment. However, if stress relieving or post-weld heat treatment is required, a

specialist shall be consulted to assess whether it is feasible to make the specific

hot-tapping operation with post-weld heat treatment.

Note: Stress-relieving may be required if a material is susceptible to stress corrosion cracking and post-weld

heat treatment may be specified by the design code if the wall thickness is greater than a certain limit.


& since we have no other options, we have to do the hot tap on the same, kindly advice WPS & PWHT procedures


Thank all in advance..



Majdi Elyyan

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