Tuesday, November 30, 2010

RE: [MW:8432] Radiography of pipeline Welds

Refer para 840.22, these are to be defined by designer based on the human occupancy (similar to fluid category in B31.3)


From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com [mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of limesh M
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 11:22 AM
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:8431] Radiography of pipeline Welds


Dear All,


Design Code: ASME B 31.8


Welding Code: API 1104




As per ASME B31.8, 2010 Edition, clause 826.3,

826.3 Inspection and Tests for Quality Control of Welds on Piping Systems Intended to Operate at Hoop Stress Levels of 20% or More of the Specified Minimum Yield Strength

(a) The quality of each weld shall be examined by visual inspection.

(b) In addition, a certain percentage of the welds shall be examined through radiographic examination, ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing, or other comparable and acceptable methods of nondestructive testing.The trepanning method of nondestructive testing is prohibited.

The following minimum number of field butt welds shall be selected on a random basis by the operating company from each day’s construction for examination. Each weld so selected shall be examined over its entire circumference or else the equivalent length of welds shall be examined if the operating company chooses to examine only a part of the circumference of each. The same minimum percentages shall be examined for double ending at railhead or yard:

(1) 10% of welds in Location Class 1

(2) 15% of welds in Location Class 2

(3) 40% of welds in Location Class 3

(4) 75% of welds in Location Class 4

From where I can find the details of the above mentioned location classes to select the joints? Could you please throw some light on this matter?





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