Sunday, November 28, 2010

Re: [MW:8421] production test coupon requiorement as per ASME SEC VIII DIV 1

Dear Mr.Asad Azmi,

1. For each vessel, one test plate shall be made for each welding procedure used for joints of Categories A and B. ( If u use same process for A & B category, one PTC is sufficient).

2. If u consider the group of vessel, then the following have to be satisfied to avoid multiple PTC. (below is from UG-84(i)3(b))

For several vessels or parts of vessels, welded within any 3 month period at one location, the plate thickness of which does not vary by more than 1⁄4 in. (6 mm),or 25%, whichever is greater, and of the same specification and grade of material, a test plate shall be made for each 400 ft (120 m) of joints welded by the same procedure.
(if u go by this option, a seprate log to be maintained for day to day welding activities including each welder productivity, consumables consumption.)

3. The vessel impact test plate shall be from one of the heats of steel used for the vessel or group of vessels.


On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 3:00 PM, asad azmi <> wrote:
Dear all,
Please inform me PTC(Production test coupon requirement) for below details--
Construction Code :  ASME SEC VIII DIV 1
Shell Material :   SA 387 GR 12 CL 2,  65 & 70 Thk.
MDMT :  0 Deg Celcius
Impact test is required as per  ASME SEC VIII DIV 1.
The Heat number for shell material for 3 vessels is not same.
3 vessels are required to be fabricated as per the above requirement for single  client. The vessels are going to to be erected at one location only. 
The thichkness of shell material for 1 vessel is 65 Thk and for other 2 vessels is 70 Thk. Diameter and Length of the vessel is different. Only MDMT and material is same.
Please inform me whether seprate  PTC( production test coupon)  is required for each  vessel  OR 1 PTC attached with longseam/Circ. Seam of only 1 vessel  will also represent other 2 vessels also.
Whether 2 PTC ( 1 for longseam &  1 for circumferential seam for 1 vessel)  is enough for all three vessels OR total of 6 PTC are required for 3 vessels.
Please give code reference.
Thanks in advance for your valuable suggestions.
Asad Azmi

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