Thursday, December 7, 2017

[MW:27140] Re: Backing by gas/Back purging is not essential for P.No 8 - Austentic stainless steel? - ASME Sec 9

ASME IX Paragraph QW-408.9 is called out on table QW-256 under gas QW-408. The definitive answer is there, all the exotics in that paragraph Backing Gas is essential for them only. All other groups that are not there Backing gas is not a Essential Variable for WPSs. A Welder Performance Qualification done using Backing Gas or not using Backing Gas it is Essential on those material groups not called out in QW-408.9. Is using Argon backing gas the best welding practice for welding P8 materials, absolutely. I would not remove backing gas from any process per a customers request as it is a quality and application issue. People don't choose stainless steel by spinning the wheel of material to use on this job as it is typically applied because of applications or environment that have corrosive potential and that property is diminished if Backing Gas is not used.   

On Thursday, February 10, 2011 at 1:32:48 AM UTC-5, Srinivas Engr wrote:
Dear All,

As per QW 256, GTAW process,
QW 408 Gas, There is no essential variable for gas Backing for P.No.
-8. Austentic Stainless Steel. A312 & others.
So we can qualify WPS without gas backing/Bsckpurging.
Am i right or not?
Pl clear me


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