Friday, November 30, 2012

[MW:16095] Stainless Welding...

Dear all,
   thanks for the support and clarifications for the past years with this group.

1.what are all the Quality check points while welding with SS? to check the discoloration while welding?
3. purge time calculation?
4. if thickness of the base material is less than 3mm what are all aspects shall be followed to maintain a good welding?
5. what is the distance calculation for purging? to determine the electrical parameter and shielding gas parameters,preheating details for GTAW while preparing proposed WPS for SS and NON FERROUS MATERIALS?
(i checked with the AWS Sec II part c but i could not get it.)

eagerly waiting for reply.

QA/QC Engineer

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[MW:35346] Cast-iron welding

Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone