Friday, June 29, 2012

Re: [MW:14722] ASME Section IX Section QW 403.6

Hi ,
QW 403 and its sections talks about basemetals generally.
If U see , for ex. QW-255 for FCAW welding variables table, under QW 403,
it says Group Number , T Limits , T Qualified , t Pass > 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) , T limits (S. cir. arc) , P-No. qualified.
Hence , we cannot restrict QW 403 and its sections are only for different P Nos. 
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 3:10 AM, Dark_Horse <> wrote:

Reference :  ASME Section IX

Section QW 403 Base Metals
QW 403.1 starts with welding between "Different P-No"
The same holds for almost all of the Sub-Sections of QW 403.

Is it fair to say that the Section 403 and its related sub-sections
speak specific to welding of  "DIFFERENT" P.No. ?
If the answer is NO.  Then kindly share your perspective on the

with regards,

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