Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Few days ago i came across UOP specification 8-11-12-Piping, which asked radiography of socket / branch welds for low alloy steel/SS. If somebody has done project with UOP in past, pl share their experience.

Also i read one very old B 31.3 Interpretation: 5-13 for the radiography of socket welds as below...

Subject:ANSI/ASME 831.3-1984 Edition, With the ANSI/ASME 831.3a-1984 Addenda, Table 327.4.1A, Limitations on Imperfections in Welds-Internal Porosity 
Date Issued: December 2, 1986

Question (1): In ANSI/ASME 831.3, Table 327.4.1 A, under internal porosity forfillet, socket, seal and reinforcement attachment welds, the wording NA (not applicable) is indicated. Does this mean that radiographic examination is not required for this type of joint configuration?

Reply (1): Yes.

In my opinion, RT of SW is only performed to detect the gap between two components, also in past during some corossion isometric study, we have assigned TML (thikness monitoring location) to carry out RT of SW/BW to confirm the correctness of welded heavy schedule components.

Can any one write few words about the technical feasibility and effectiveness of final result to confirm the soundness of SW/Branch weld by RT/UT with code back up? If somebody have any digital RT film of SW joint pl share.

Best Regds

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[MW:8449] EEMUA 158

Hi All

Can u pls guide me which section of EEMUA 158 :1994 gives details of the positions and progressions qualified by welding 2G & 3G , UPHILL? Please quote the reference paragraph number from the standard.

Also where can I find the values for interpass temperature in the standard? (5.3.3 is clear about preheat, but does not gives much details about interpass temperature, the material is carbon steel, CE:m 0.46,)


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Re: [MW:8448] P no for SA-194 Grade 2H nuts

2H nuts shall not be welded to any pressure parts ( see UCS 4 or 5 of ASME Sec VIII Div 1 ) as it contains more than 0.35% Carbon.


On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 2:42 PM, Shadab Alam Ansari <ansari@ghi.com.sa> wrote:

Dear All,

Which P. no shall be assigned to weld Nuts of SA-194 grade 2H?

Please provide your valuable comments.




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Re: [MW:8446] Importance of "MO" content in SS316L material.

Molybdenum increases the resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion in Chloride environment. It supports the Chromium oxide layer and helps in re passivation, if the layer is broken


On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Shiv Dutt Mishra Mishra <gopu301182@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear All,
Can you tell me what is the importance of '' MO"(molybdenum) content
in SS316L materials.

Mob- 09589444897 (M.P./C.G.)
        09766916581 (Maharastra)

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Re: [MW:8443] Defect in PQR Specimen

As defect observed in RT, so pl.rectify the defect with cutting of that portion and again do the welding and than do the heat treatmentagain.And for test piece once u can do the heat treatment only of test piece and again do the heat treatment with product. Than send tht test piece for testing and if it is ok with RT and mechanical testing than we can accept tht.
Mahek shah

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 12:30 PM, yoga nandhan <yoganandhan@gmail.com> wrote:
Anyone, Can u plz give your opinion,
PQR qualification of SS pipe, 30" x 15.88 mm thik pipe by SMAW+SAW process, In RT defect observed in 200 mm length which is not acceptable as per Sec IX. But rest of the portions are without any significant defects.
Can we proceed with the Mechanical testing after discarding the defect area or is it required to Repair & Re-RT to be done in the defect area before taking the specimen for mechancial testing.....  Plz clarify.

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[MW:8442] X-ray radiography

Hi all


What means R4 and R5 for the radiography? If the thickness is below 8
mm, which is chosen? R5 or R4

Best regards

Redouane (project engineer)

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RE: [MW:8441] HOTTAP on SOUR LINE (PWHT Required)

Dear Limesh & All;


Thanx for your replies & advices.


The materials is A 106 Gr B, pipe Dia is 4” Sch 40, & we are using split tee 15 mm thick.


The same I had in my previous works, the issue were to qualified the welders for Temper Bead Procedure (Half bead). As per QW-290.


The surprise here for the client & client TPI, that, client TPI is asking to make a heating up to 300C for 30 to 60 min after completing the welding (which I search everywhere, I didn’t find such procedure in any relevant standards.)

The second surprising thing is my client, is asking to make preheating to 350C for 3 hours before starting the work plus hydrogen baking.


My point is, the life line is wet LPG, H2S present 2500 PPM, which is very high, plus if I keep heating the line up to this temperature, I need to ensure it will not imply any unwarranted impacts , thus jeopardizing the operational LPG unit itself.




Majdi Elyyan


From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com [mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of limesh M
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 7:56 AM
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [MW:8424] HOTTAP on SOUR LINE (PWHT Required)


Dear Majdi,


You didn't mention the material designation(pipe and split tee material) and thickness of the pipe/split tee material.If you could provide it,it will be easy for experts to analyse your query.I also have interest in this matter.






On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Majdi N Elyyan <melyyan@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear All;


We have a hot tap on LPG line (Sour service) which require PWHT.

The run Pipe is 4”, the branch is also 4”, split tee will be used.

As per shell DEP- – for Hot tapping, clearly mention:

Hot-tap welding should not normally be performed on materials which require post-weld

heat treatment. However, if stress relieving or post-weld heat treatment is required, a

specialist shall be consulted to assess whether it is feasible to make the specific

hot-tapping operation with post-weld heat treatment.

Note: Stress-relieving may be required if a material is susceptible to stress corrosion cracking and post-weld

heat treatment may be specified by the design code if the wall thickness is greater than a certain limit.


& since we have no other options, we have to do the hot tap on the same, kindly advice WPS & PWHT procedures


Thank all in advance..



Majdi Elyyan

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Re: [MW:8444] ENP Measurement

You can go for wet chemical method like weight loss method for better results.

2010/11/30 Noushad cp <ncp.clt@gmail.com>
Dear All,

How to measure Electroless Nickel Plating (Coating) ?i would like to know the Instrument which is use for ENP Measurement.

Thanks and Regards,


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[MW:8440] P no for SA-194 Grade 2H nuts

Dear All,

Which P. no shall be assigned to weld Nuts of SA-194 grade 2H?

Please provide your valuable comments.




[MW:8445] Importance of "MO" content in SS316L material.

Dear All,
Can you tell me what is the importance of '' MO"(molybdenum) content
in SS316L materials.

Mob- 09589444897 (M.P./C.G.)
09766916581 (Maharastra)

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RE: [MW:8439] HOT PASS

In Duplex stainless steel cold pass technique is required.


Bharat B. Gole


Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 00:11:33 -0800
From: rameshnbarot@yahoo.com
Subject: Fw: [MW:8436] HOT PASS
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com

Dear All,
Pl.tell me each and every Process like SMAW, GTAW in SS,CS and LAS required hotpass?
In less thickness also?
What max.time we can allow for Hot Pass?
Waiting for reply...
With Best Regards,
Ramesh Barot

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Shashank Vagal <nach_sam@yahoo.com>
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tue, November 30, 2010 11:46:07 AM
Subject: Re: [MW:8430] HOT PASS

Hi Vasu,
The main function of a hot pass is to provide feed to the shrinking root pass weld metal lest it shrink-cracks. The root pass has to penetrate and fill the root gap and initiate the joint. Once it gets a proper metal feed by way of a hot pass, it will do its job well. That is why HP is conducted immediately after the root cleaning operation is over and the root pass is still hot, hence maintaining the same welding set up as used for root pass (and welders) is highly recommended.
It can be seen then why: The hot pass generally uses a higher than normal amperage setting (approx. 10% higher than root amps setting)  and a fast travel speed. The latter to reach all shrinking areas in time. No welding will stop before RP+HP are complete as a minimum.
Shashank Vagal

--- On Sun, 28/11/10, M.Shankar <mails_shankar@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

From: M.Shankar <mails_shankar@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: Re: [MW:8419] HOT PASS
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Date: Sunday, 28 November, 2010, 6:19 PM

Hi Mr. Rao

About & Purpose "HOT PASS"

The surface of a root pass may be irregular, have undercut, overlap, slag incl., or other defects, depending upon the type of weld and the condition of the root pass. The surface of a root can be cleaned by grinding or hot pass.

A hot pass can be used to correct some of the problems caused by a poor root pass. The hot pass may be a hotter than normal filler pass or it may be made without adding extra filler.

A hot pass can be used to correct incomplete root fusion or excessive concavity of the root surface, and improper penetration also.

Eg.1: Improper fusion generally is caused by insufficient heat and temperature for the joint. To correct this condition, a hot pass is used without adding more filler metal.

Eg.2: Concave root surface are generally caused by insufficient filler metal for the joint. To correct this condition, a " hot filler pass" is used to add both the needed metal and heat.

The hot pass should be conducted the same as the first welding process, but depends on your situation. 

Eg. In piping if you use GTAW for root pass, then hot pass should be GTAW-it is preferable. If the welder grind the root to remove defects as stated above, he may remove root completely at any point (accidently), so in this case same welding process is preferred to cover root & your WPS.

The hot pass generally uses a higher than normal amperage setting (approx. 10% higher than root amps setting)  and a fast travel speed.



From: srinivas rao <ksrvasu@gmail.com>
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 25 November, 2010 12:46:43 AM
Subject: [MW:8366] HOT PASS

Hi Gents,

I have  doubt reg HOT PASS.

1. what is the purpose of doing HOT PASS with more speed and high current?

2. Should the Welding Process used for Root be the same for HOT PASS? If not necessarily then how should we decide?

Thank you All



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Re: [MW:8438] Regarding high managanese steel Gr III WELDING

Sir, Pl note the trailing mail & advise for suitable consumable regards Nagbhushan. India

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from !DEA

From: vinit vani <vinit_vani@yahoo.co.in>
Sender: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 14:28:06 +0530 (IST)
To: <materials-welding@googlegroups.com>
ReplyTo: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Subject: [MW:8437] Regarding high managanese steel Gr III WELDING

Dear all
I have two different issues.
1)we want to do hardfacing on  high manganese steel Gr III Base Metal.
    Please share your experience on MAG  Welding process for this material.
    Also please intimate any additional & valuable information regarding this.
2)Other issue is to know the  applicable ASTM  Std for High Strength Low Alloy Cast     Steel               for the chemical composition given below as well as supplier for this material in INDIA if any.

Mn - 1.4 to 1.8 %

Nb - 0.02 to 0.05 %

V - 0 - 0.06 %

Mo - 0.2 to 0.35 %

 c-0.10 to0.15%

Please reply me promptly because the matter is urgent.
Thanks & Regards

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[MW:8437] Regarding high managanese steel Gr III WELDING

Dear all
I have two different issues.
1)we want to do hardfacing on  high manganese steel Gr III Base Metal.
    Please share your experience on MAG  Welding process for this material.
    Also please intimate any additional & valuable information regarding this.
2)Other issue is to know the  applicable ASTM  Std for High Strength Low Alloy Cast     Steel               for the chemical composition given below as well as supplier for this material in INDIA if any.

Mn - 1.4 to 1.8 %

Nb - 0.02 to 0.05 %

V - 0 - 0.06 %

Mo - 0.2 to 0.35 %

 c-0.10 to0.15%

Please reply me promptly because the matter is urgent.
Thanks & Regards

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Fw: [MW:8436] HOT PASS

Dear All,
Pl.tell me each and every Process like SMAW, GTAW in SS,CS and LAS required hotpass?
In less thickness also?
What max.time we can allow for Hot Pass?
Waiting for reply...
With Best Regards,
Ramesh Barot

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Shashank Vagal <nach_sam@yahoo.com>
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tue, November 30, 2010 11:46:07 AM
Subject: Re: [MW:8430] HOT PASS

Hi Vasu,
The main function of a hot pass is to provide feed to the shrinking root pass weld metal lest it shrink-cracks. The root pass has to penetrate and fill the root gap and initiate the joint. Once it gets a proper metal feed by way of a hot pass, it will do its job well. That is why HP is conducted immediately after the root cleaning operation is over and the root pass is still hot, hence maintaining the same welding set up as used for root pass (and welders) is highly recommended.
It can be seen then why: The hot pass generally uses a higher than normal amperage setting (approx. 10% higher than root amps setting)  and a fast travel speed. The latter to reach all shrinking areas in time. No welding will stop before RP+HP are complete as a minimum.
Shashank Vagal

--- On Sun, 28/11/10, M.Shankar <mails_shankar@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

From: M.Shankar <mails_shankar@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: Re: [MW:8419] HOT PASS
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Date: Sunday, 28 November, 2010, 6:19 PM

Hi Mr. Rao

About & Purpose "HOT PASS"

The surface of a root pass may be irregular, have undercut, overlap, slag incl., or other defects, depending upon the type of weld and the condition of the root pass. The surface of a root can be cleaned by grinding or hot pass.

A hot pass can be used to correct some of the problems caused by a poor root pass. The hot pass may be a hotter than normal filler pass or it may be made without adding extra filler.

A hot pass can be used to correct incomplete root fusion or excessive concavity of the root surface, and improper penetration also.

Eg.1: Improper fusion generally is caused by insufficient heat and temperature for the joint. To correct this condition, a hot pass is used without adding more filler metal.

Eg.2: Concave root surface are generally caused by insufficient filler metal for the joint. To correct this condition, a " hot filler pass" is used to add both the needed metal and heat.

The hot pass should be conducted the same as the first welding process, but depends on your situation. 

Eg. In piping if you use GTAW for root pass, then hot pass should be GTAW-it is preferable. If the welder grind the root to remove defects as stated above, he may remove root completely at any point (accidently), so in this case same welding process is preferred to cover root & your WPS.

The hot pass generally uses a higher than normal amperage setting (approx. 10% higher than root amps setting)  and a fast travel speed.



From: srinivas rao <ksrvasu@gmail.com>
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 25 November, 2010 12:46:43 AM
Subject: [MW:8366] HOT PASS

Hi Gents,

I have  doubt reg HOT PASS.

1. what is the purpose of doing HOT PASS with more speed and high current?

2. Should the Welding Process used for Root be the same for HOT PASS? If not necessarily then how should we decide?

Thank you All



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[MW:8435] Re: ENP Measurement

You can go for coating thickness gauge.
www.oxford-instruments.com (http://www.oxford-instruments.com/products/coating-thickness/coating-gauges/Pages/coating-gauges.aspx)

Thanks & Regards,


QA/QC Manager
Getabec Energy Co.,Ltd.
Phone: 0066 38 897035-8 (Off)
Fax: 0066 38 897034
Hand Phone: 0066 892512282

--- On Tue, 11/30/10, Noushad cp <ncp.clt@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Noushad cp <ncp.clt@gmail.com>
Subject: ENP Measurement
To: "materials-welding" <materials-welding@googlegroups.com>
Cc: "Karthik" <karthik6684@yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 2:42 PM

Dear All,

How to measure Electroless Nickel Plating (Coating) ?i would like to know the Instrument which is use for ENP Measurement.

Thanks and Regards,


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[MW:8434] ENP Measurement

Dear All,

How to measure Electroless Nickel Plating (Coating) ?i would like to know the Instrument which is use for ENP Measurement.

Thanks and Regards,


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RE: [MW:8433] Radiography of pipeline Welds

Refer ASME B 31.8 Chapter V table for location class

Bharat B. Gole



Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 09:52:12 +0400
Subject: [MW:8431] Radiography of pipeline Welds
From: limesh78@gmail.com
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com

Dear All,
Design Code: ASME B 31.8
Welding Code: API 1104
As per ASME B31.8, 2010 Edition, clause 826.3,
826.3 Inspection and Tests for Quality Control of Welds on Piping Systems Intended to Operate at Hoop Stress Levels of 20% or More of the Specified Minimum Yield Strength
(a) The quality of each weld shall be examined by visual inspection.
(b) In addition, a certain percentage of the welds shall be examined through radiographic examination, ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing, or other comparable and acceptable methods of nondestructive testing.The trepanning method of nondestructive testing is prohibited.
The following minimum number of field butt welds shall be selected on a random basis by the operating company from each day's construction for examination. Each weld so selected shall be examined over its entire circumference or else the equivalent length of welds shall be examined if the operating company chooses to examine only a part of the circumference of each. The same minimum percentages shall be examined for double ending at railhead or yard:
(1) 10% of welds in Location Class 1
(2) 15% of welds in Location Class 2
(3) 40% of welds in Location Class 3
(4) 75% of welds in Location Class 4
From where I can find the details of the above mentioned location classes to select the joints? Could you please throw some light on this matter?

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RE: [MW:8432] Radiography of pipeline Welds

Refer para 840.22, these are to be defined by designer based on the human occupancy (similar to fluid category in B31.3)


From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com [mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of limesh M
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 11:22 AM
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:8431] Radiography of pipeline Welds


Dear All,


Design Code: ASME B 31.8


Welding Code: API 1104




As per ASME B31.8, 2010 Edition, clause 826.3,

826.3 Inspection and Tests for Quality Control of Welds on Piping Systems Intended to Operate at Hoop Stress Levels of 20% or More of the Specified Minimum Yield Strength

(a) The quality of each weld shall be examined by visual inspection.

(b) In addition, a certain percentage of the welds shall be examined through radiographic examination, ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing, or other comparable and acceptable methods of nondestructive testing.The trepanning method of nondestructive testing is prohibited.

The following minimum number of field butt welds shall be selected on a random basis by the operating company from each day’s construction for examination. Each weld so selected shall be examined over its entire circumference or else the equivalent length of welds shall be examined if the operating company chooses to examine only a part of the circumference of each. The same minimum percentages shall be examined for double ending at railhead or yard:

(1) 10% of welds in Location Class 1

(2) 15% of welds in Location Class 2

(3) 40% of welds in Location Class 3

(4) 75% of welds in Location Class 4

From where I can find the details of the above mentioned location classes to select the joints? Could you please throw some light on this matter?





Re: [MW:8430] HOT PASS

Hi Vasu,
The main function of a hot pass is to provide feed to the shrinking root pass weld metal lest it shrink-cracks. The root pass has to penetrate and fill the root gap and initiate the joint. Once it gets a proper metal feed by way of a hot pass, it will do its job well. That is why HP is conducted immediately after the root cleaning operation is over and the root pass is still hot, hence maintaining the same welding set up as used for root pass (and welders) is highly recommended.
It can be seen then why: The hot pass generally uses a higher than normal amperage setting (approx. 10% higher than root amps setting)  and a fast travel speed. The latter to reach all shrinking areas in time. No welding will stop before RP+HP are complete as a minimum.
Shashank Vagal

--- On Sun, 28/11/10, M.Shankar <mails_shankar@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

From: M.Shankar <mails_shankar@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: Re: [MW:8419] HOT PASS
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Date: Sunday, 28 November, 2010, 6:19 PM

Hi Mr. Rao

About & Purpose "HOT PASS"

The surface of a root pass may be irregular, have undercut, overlap, slag incl., or other defects, depending upon the type of weld and the condition of the root pass. The surface of a root can be cleaned by grinding or hot pass.

A hot pass can be used to correct some of the problems caused by a poor root pass. The hot pass may be a hotter than normal filler pass or it may be made without adding extra filler.

A hot pass can be used to correct incomplete root fusion or excessive concavity of the root surface, and improper penetration also.

Eg.1: Improper fusion generally is caused by insufficient heat and temperature for the joint. To correct this condition, a hot pass is used without adding more filler metal.

Eg.2: Concave root surface are generally caused by insufficient filler metal for the joint. To correct this condition, a " hot filler pass" is used to add both the needed metal and heat.

The hot pass should be conducted the same as the first welding process, but depends on your situation. 

Eg. In piping if you use GTAW for root pass, then hot pass should be GTAW-it is preferable. If the welder grind the root to remove defects as stated above, he may remove root completely at any point (accidently), so in this case same welding process is preferred to cover root & your WPS.

The hot pass generally uses a higher than normal amperage setting (approx. 10% higher than root amps setting)  and a fast travel speed.



From: srinivas rao <ksrvasu@gmail.com>
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 25 November, 2010 12:46:43 AM
Subject: [MW:8366] HOT PASS

Hi Gents,

I have  doubt reg HOT PASS.

1. what is the purpose of doing HOT PASS with more speed and high current?

2. Should the Welding Process used for Root be the same for HOT PASS? If not necessarily then how should we decide?

Thank you All



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[MW:8431] Radiography of pipeline Welds

Dear All,
Design Code: ASME B 31.8
Welding Code: API 1104

As per ASME B31.8, 2010 Edition, clause 826.3,

826.3 Inspection and Tests for Quality Control of Welds on Piping Systems Intended to Operate at Hoop Stress Levels of 20% or More of the Specified Minimum Yield Strength

(a) The quality of each weld shall be examined by visual inspection.

(b) In addition, a certain percentage of the welds shall be examined through radiographic examination, ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing, or other comparable and acceptable methods of nondestructive testing.The trepanning method of nondestructive testing is prohibited.

The following minimum number of field butt welds shall be selected on a random basis by the operating company from each day's construction for examination. Each weld so selected shall be examined over its entire circumference or else the equivalent length of welds shall be examined if the operating company chooses to examine only a part of the circumference of each. The same minimum percentages shall be examined for double ending at railhead or yard:

(1) 10% of welds in Location Class 1

(2) 15% of welds in Location Class 2

(3) 40% of welds in Location Class 3

(4) 75% of welds in Location Class 4

From where I can find the details of the above mentioned location classes to select the joints? Could you please throw some light on this matter?





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Monday, November 29, 2010

Re: [MW:8428] Re: production test coupon requiorement as per ASME SEC VIII DIV 1

Hello Azmi
Long time no see.
If you can satisfy UG-84, it doesnt necessarily means that you need to complete everything within three months, you just need to start welding within the three months period. That's how we do it in Alberta, Canada anyway.
On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 9:22 PM, JASPAL SINGH <jaspaldhesi@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Asad Azmi,

My Point wise Reply for your Query is as follows

- The Thickness of your vessels is within the requirements of
UG-84(6mm or 25% of the thickness)
- Practically I think the welding of these three vessels will not be
possible within three month span for all 'A' & 'B' Catagory Joints, if
your production schedule is possible you can go for lesser number of
- Eraction at Single site has no advantage the fabrication should be
done at same location for three vessels.
- As the heat number is not same but material specification is same
you can choose the material from any one heat.
- The Seperate PTC requirement will not be due to Long(A) & Circ
Seam(B). The difference will be as per Position and Procedure.
- I assume you will use two procedure one of SMAW & other of SAW
 Final Solution:
1. Select the material of PTC of 70mm thick from any heat, Weld the
same with SMAW in 3G Position it will cover all the positions ( i.e
Long & Circ Seams of Shell, Doller & Pettal Seam of Dish if any)( But
be careful due to high heat input Impact may fail)( Do the welding 3G
only if required otherwise weld in the required position). If the
welding completes within 3 month no need to weld other with manual
otherwise weld one more coupon to cover another three months.
2. Select the PTC of 70 mm thick and weld with SAW welding in the 1G
positon , this will cover for Long & Circ Seams. The same way if
welding required to be covered for next three month weld one more test
3. So with Four test coupon you can comply the ASME Section VIII
4. Please be care full if there is any Long & Circ Seams in the Nozzle
with different thickness and procedure is different you need to have
PTC for that also.

Hope the things will be clear to you.


Best Regards,

Head Quality Assurance-ISGEC-PED, Yamunanagar, Haryana (India) PH:
+911732307251 ; Mob. +918930111441(CUG), +919996624244

On Nov 28, 6:35 am, "r.kesav moorthi" <k7moor...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> Dear,
> you need all 6 PTC 's to qualify the production weld of LS & CS joints of vessels.
> 175, R.Kesavamoorthi,
> Principal surveyor,
> Quest (pvt.) Ltd.,
> Ranipet.
> From: asad azmi <azmiasada...@gmail.com>
> To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
> Cc:
> Sent: Friday, 26 November, 2010 4:30:01 PM
> Subject: [MW:8391] production test coupon requiorement as per ASME SEC VIII DIV 1
> Dear all,
> Greetings.
> Please inform me PTC(Production test coupon requirement) for below details--
> Construction Code :  ASME SEC VIII DIV 1
> Shell Material :   SA 387 GR 12 CL 2,  65 & 70 Thk.
> MDMT :  0 Deg Celcius
> Impact test is required as per  ASME SEC VIII DIV 1.
> The Heat number for shell material for 3 vessels is not same.
> 3 vessels are required to be fabricated as per the above requirement for single  client. The vessels are going to to be erected at one location only. 
> The thichkness of shell material for 1 vessel is 65 Thk and for other 2 vessels is 70 Thk. Diameter and Length of the vessel is different. Only MDMT and material is same.
> Please inform me whether seprate  PTC( production test coupon)  is required for each  vessel  OR 1 PTC attached with longseam/Circ. Seam of only 1 vessel  will also represent other 2 vessels also.
> Whether 2 PTC ( 1 for longseam &  1 for circumferential seam for 1 vessel)  is enough for all three vessels OR total of 6 PTC are required for 3 vessels.
> Please give code reference.
> Thanks in advance for your valuable suggestions.
> Regards
> Asad Azmi
> --
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[MW:8429] RE: 8396] Excess Weld Root Penetration-Reg.



We can  measure and making bench mark for Root penetration on the basis of Radiographs in the field of Pipe Line Welding by using LP /EP penny.



M.Nagoor Meeran






From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com [mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of muthu kumaran
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 10:24 AM
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Subject: [MW:8396] Excess Weld Root Penetration-Reg.




How to measure and making bench mark for Root penetration on the basis of Radiographs in the field of Pipe Line Welding.


Welding Inspector

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Re: [MW:8427] HOTTAP on SOUR LINE (PWHT Required)

If thickness is coming out more than code requirement, you may have to do PWHT. For on line service welding, PWHT is not practically possible at site. You may have to choose compatible material, FEA analysis, ECA analysis..

H Solanki

On Mon, 29 Nov 2010 09:03:56 +0530 "Majdi N Elyyan" wrote

Dear All;

We have a hot tap on LPG line (Sour service) which require PWHT.

The run Pipe is 4", the branch is also 4", split tee will be used.

As per shell DEP- – for Hot tapping, clearly mention:

Hot-tap welding should not normally be performed on materials which require post-weld

heat treatment. However, if stress relieving or post-weld heat treatment is required, a

specialist shall be consulted to assess whether it is feasible to make the specific

hot-tapping operation with post-weld heat treatment.

Note: Stress-relieving may be required if a material is susceptible to stress corrosion cracking and post-weld

heat treatment may be specified by the design code if the wall thickness is greater than a certain limit.

& since we have no other options, we have to do the hot tap on the same, kindly advice WPS & PWHT procedures

Thank all in advance..


Majdi Elyyan

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[MW:35485] Aluminium welding

Dear Sirs, i need technical details on aluminium welding. could anyone help me with aluminium welding. kind regards, K Vinodh kumar Hosur, t...