Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Re: [MW:35240] Overlay welding defects

Mr. Gowtahm,
Using an LPG burner or furnace is fine. Argon gas supplier is OK. 
Please send a photo of your defects and setup if possible and weld parameters like ampere, 
voltage, stick-out, travel speed (not rotation time), torch angle if you are using an SPM, gas 
flow rate, oscillation width, and position of the contact tip in the nozzle (is it inside or 
outside—if so, how much, type/make of the welding equipment, nozzle opening, etc. to 
diagnose the issues. 

On Tue, 10 Sept 2024 at 11:39, Karthick Flow Controls <kfccovaigm@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear sir,

Thank you for your feedback sir.

We use LPG Cylinder for Preheat dia above 1000mm,We use Furnace for Small sizes.
Argon Gas Used Praxair ( Linde).
The below points,We will check in the Process.
If you are using the GMAW process, make sure to keep a lower stick out and the correct amount of shielding 
gas flow rate. A very low/high gas flow rate or welding without a flow meter may also induce porosity. 
Make sure not to open the Argon cylinder fully, as it may increase gas flow velocity and may induce pinholes.

Mainly the defect is noticed in the Bore bottom Radius Area ,Second one Continuous dotted line in the Overlapping.


On Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 5:44 PM sridhar cn <sridharcn305@gmail.com> wrote:
Mr. Gowtham,
These sorts of problems are common in overly welding. 
Please make sure that jobs are preheated properly (not with Oxy-fuel gas; it may create pinholes) 
using LPG, according to your WPS.
Make sure that the Argon gas is procured from a reputed brand and not from a local manufacturer
as it may not be pure even though certified for a 99.99% purity level.
The overlay should not be done in an open area where air circulation is more and should be well-protected 
from fan breeze, etc.
If required, use UHP Argon (99.999% pure), but it will be very costly.
GTAW and plasma arc welding could be more appropriate for the overlay technique.
If you are using the GMAW process, make sure to keep a lower stick out and the correct amount of shielding 
gas flow rate. A very low/high gas flow rate or welding without a flow meter may also induce porosity. 
Make sure not to open the Argon cylinder fully, as it may increase gas flow velocity and may induce pinholes.
Hope the above information will be of help to you.
C Sridhar.

properly according to your WPS.

On Mon, 9 Sept 2024 at 10:57, Karthick Flow Controls <kfccovaigm@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear sir,

Welding Valve body & Adapter,(Ball Valve,Triple offset Butterfly,Trunnion mounted Ball Valve & Top Entry Ball Valve.


On Fri, Sep 6, 2024 at 11:21 AM Mohd Siraj <mohd52100@gmail.com> wrote:
WCB/LCB fitting elbow or tee components, pl follow,

weld with CS filler wire first then start overlay.

On Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 11:07:20 AM UTC+3 Karthick Flow Controls wrote:

Inconel 625 & 316L -GMAW
Shielding Gas - Argon 
Position -1G


On Wed, Sep 4, 2024 at 4:08 PM 'J Prinsen' via Materials & Welding <material...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
First questions: which process, which shielding gas, which welding position, which welding parameters


Jurgen Prinsen IWE
Weld-Tech BV
Welding Engineering and Consultancy

Van: "Karthick Flow Controls" <kfcco...@gmail.com>
Aan: "Materials & Welding" <material...@googlegroups.com>
Verzonden: Woensdag 4 september 2024 07:26:39
Onderwerp: [MW:35217] Overlay welding defects

Dear Experts,
Welding Overlay, After Machining the Pin holes and blow holes noticed in Overlapping Joint area, After attend the defects, It will open some other places, The defects noticed Uniform inline.   ( Overlay Material ,316L ,Inconel 625 ,St6 & ST21,Base Material WCB/LCB),
How to prevent the defects?


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Thanks & Regards,
1/575 SNMV College Road, 
Coimbatore - 641 050.

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Thanks & Regards,
1/575 SNMV College Road, 
Coimbatore - 641 050.

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Thanks & Regards,
1/575 SNMV College Road, 
Coimbatore - 641 050.

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