Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Re: [MW:29156] ASTM E45 method D (How to determine?)

On Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 7:44:13 PM UTC+5:30, Harish wrote:
> Dear Mr. Dom,
>                      1. Always clean the sample after every polishing step with acetone.
> 2. Please refer ASM Handbook Volume 9.
> 3. To differentiate between different types you may use image analysis software, where you can get different colors for different inclusions.
> 4. You may also use, polarizer/analyser fitted microscope.
> 5. Also the etchant will affect the image.
> 2010/12/15 Dom <leeth...@gmail.com>
> I was facing some difficulties when performing inclusion test
> accordance to E45method D
> Normally the test sample is carbon steel.
> 1. I polished the test sample's surface to 0.06µm.
> 2. observed the surface under 100X.
> The difficulties or doubts that i'm facing:
> 1. The sample will rust, some dots on surface, is very hard for me to
> determine which 1 is inclusion.
> 2. How to differentiate silicate and sulfide? (refer to Plate I-r)
> 3. How to differentiate aluminate and oxide?
> 4. after i polished, all the black dots or lines on surface are
> inclusions?
> 5. Is there any link or good book for reference.
> Thanks in advance. :)
> --
> To post to this group, send email to material...@googlegroups.com
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> The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.
> --
> regards,
> Harish.

On Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 7:44:13 PM UTC+5:30, Harish wrote:
> Dear Mr. Dom,
>                      1. Always clean the sample after every polishing step with acetone.
> 2. Please refer ASM Handbook Volume 9.
> 3. To differentiate between different types you may use image analysis software, where you can get different colors for different inclusions.
> 4. You may also use, polarizer/analyser fitted microscope.
> 5. Also the etchant will affect the image.
> 2010/12/15 Dom <leeth...@gmail.com>
> I was facing some difficulties when performing inclusion test
> accordance to E45method D
> Normally the test sample is carbon steel.
> 1. I polished the test sample's surface to 0.06µm.
> 2. observed the surface under 100X.
> The difficulties or doubts that i'm facing:
> 1. The sample will rust, some dots on surface, is very hard for me to
> determine which 1 is inclusion.
> 2. How to differentiate silicate and sulfide? (refer to Plate I-r)
> 3. How to differentiate aluminate and oxide?
> 4. after i polished, all the black dots or lines on surface are
> inclusions?
> 5. Is there any link or good book for reference.
> Thanks in advance. :)
> --
> To post to this group, send email to material...@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to materials-weld...@googlegroups.com
> For more options, visit this group's bolg at http://materials-welding.blogspot.com/
> The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.
> --
> regards,
> Harish.

1. ALUMINA of better quality to be used during polishing.
2. Acetone quality to be maintained.
3. Sample to be properly dried by blower.
4. If there is any doubt sample to be polished again.If inclusion is found in the same place again than inclusion is confirmed.For sulphide inclusion grey colour will be found with blunt end. For silicate colour will be brown.
For oxide black globular type will be found. As per IS SPECIFICATION more than 13 micron dia globular oxide will be treated as DS or globular single type oxide.It has deleterious effect & should be discouraged. To clear any ambiguity take the help of SEM-SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE & EDX - ELECTRON DISPERSIVE xRAY .

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