Thursday, February 21, 2019

[MW:29136] Regarding difference in temperature limits mentioned in Deg F and Deg C in ASME B 16.5

Dear Experts,
 1. ASME B 13.4 and 16.5 do have tables for P-T ratings in imperial as well as  metric unit. So can we take advantage of conversion factors.  For example Table 2-3.4 of ASME B 16.5 allows the maximum temperature till 475 deg C but parallely table II-2-3.4 allows to go with maximum temperature till 900 deg F which actually comes as 483 deg F. So can we take the benefit for this conversion and use group 3.4 materials till 483 deg c instead of 475 deg c? 
2. In any circumstances can we go beyond the temperature limits for particular pressure rating if its fulfill the requirement of non-mandatory Appendix A ? for example if my process design temperature is 485 deg C for group 3.4 materials , so can i go with this temperature and check whether if it fulfills the conditions of equation (3) of Nonmandatory appendix A of 16.5 ? 

Atul Khatri

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