Tuesday, February 12, 2019

[MW:29084] Re: Hardness for SA516 Grade 70

There is no hardness requirement in ASME Section VIII Division 1 for carbon or low alloy steels.  The only hardness requirements are in UF-31(b)(1)(b) for liquid quenched and tempered vessels.  See also Mandatory Appendix 22-4(c).  Never have been.

On Sunday, February 10, 2019 at 4:52:08 AM UTC-6, RKD wrote:

For a pressure vessel designed with stamped under ASME VIII Div.1, there is a requirement that: "Hardness values should not exceed 200 brinell for the welds / material of shell."

Shell material is specified as SA516 Grade 70.

I am concerned the requirements for hardness and material will automatically require stress relief for all pressure vessel parts.

Would SA516 Grade 70 have hardness lower than 200 Brinell?

Thank you.



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