Tuesday, February 26, 2019

[MW:29154] query about sour service

Dear All.
 I have some questions regarding sour service, would you help me about them.

1. if a material comply with requirements of annex A and clause 8 of MR0175, is there any need to be HIC tested?or based on clause 8, if any material that meet it, purchaser would request to do HIC test from manufacture?

2.if there is a conflict between requirements of A.2.1 and A.2.2, for example there is a P-No 1, Group 2 which has a higher hardness than criteria in A.2.1 either in weld or parent metal, what decision can be taken?

3.is there any document to explain about HIC testing of forging?

4.with considering that weld metal has a cast structure why in NACE TM 284 explain about sampling of weld?


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Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone