Tuesday, December 15, 2009

[MW:3839] RE: 3835] SA387 Gr.11 Cl.2 material welding.

Hi !

Generally SA387Gr11 Cl2 is being welded with EB2 wire and related flux as per manufacturer. And it will give you impact even at minus 18C with PWHt at 705 C for 6 hrs soaking min you get more that 54J

 EB3 Not recommended If at all if you want weld with EB3  and suitable flux PWHt should be at 690C for 6 hrs Preferably AC mode

In such case you will get better Impact properties.

However for Better impact You have to restrict Interpass temperature ,Preheating, post heating, and Bead thk (say 2-2.5mm max)




From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com [mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of PAMULA
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 6:56 PM
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Subject: [MW:3835] SA387 Gr.11 Cl.2 material welding.


Dear all,

Can any body have experiance on welding of SA387 Gr.11 Cl.2 (1 1/4Cr-1/5 Mo)material with E8018-B3L, ER80S-B3L, EB3 type welding consumables(2 1/4 Cr-1Mo).

Higher composition consumables (B3L) are recommended?

Is there any change in PWHT is required as compared to standard PWHT cycle for SA387 Gr.11 Cl.2 material as per ASME Div.1.

Pl. share experiance on welding of subject material.

( Design Code : ASME div.1
MDMT : 0 Deg.C
Impact : 50/40)



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