Monday, December 28, 2009

[MW:3910] IIW AWS 16th January 2010 @ Pune - seminar brochure


From: Prem Nautiyal []
Sent: Friday, December 25, 2009 9:20 AM
To: Bathula Raghuram (Mumbai - PIPING);
Subject: IIW pune seminar brochure

Dear Mr.Raghuram,

Please find the IIW Mumbai branch  Annual welding seminar .pdf brochure attached.

The seminar is going to be conducted in Pune on 16th Jan 2010.
I request you to kindly forward this brochure to our materials - welding group for the publicity of this IIW mumbai branch event.
Hope this event is a grand success.

Best regards,

Prem S Nautiyal

Managing Committee Member - Indian Institute Of Welding (Mumbai Branch )
Dy.Manager, QA- Welding
Plant No. 9 / 19, Pirojshanagar,
Vikhroli, Mumbai – 400079.
Mobile : +91-9820313278


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