Thursday, April 9, 2020


By below mail was based on API 1104 Code which considers yield strength as essential variable.

From your below mail I understand you are using ASME Sec.IX (correct me of I am wrong).

Acc to ASME Sec.IX one PQR is sufficient for API 5L X60 - X65 as they both fall under P1 Gr.2.

Acc to ASME Sec.IX thickness range qualified is 1.5mm to 15.84mm

Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar

On Thursday, April 9, 2020, 11:23:55 AM GMT+7, QA/QC <> wrote:

tnx for your reply 

So its mean that i should prepare two different Test coupon or what 

and for the maximum thikness of base metal from QW 451.1 THEY MENTION THAT  T QUALIFIED X 2  ITS MEAN 7.92 X2 = 15.84 mm

Le mercredi 8 avril 2020 13:52:38 UTC+2, a écrit :
Considering Pipeline, API 1104 code was considered for below.

1. One PQR for X60 material
2. Another PQR for X65 material to be qualified'

If you qualify PQR on 6 inch wall thickness 7.92 mm then it qualifies from wall thickness 4.8mm to 19.1mm and no Limitation on Diameter

Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar

On Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 03:10:03 PM GMT+7, QA/QC <> wrote:


i want to prepare a WPS for pipeline work with base metal API 5L X60 - X65  SMAW 

for the test coupon i want to use 6" with thickness = 7.92 mm 

want to know the minimum and maximum range for size and thickness used for the PQR 


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