Saturday, April 11, 2020

Re: [MW:30734] Tube to Tube sheet welding, Orbital welding parameters for header box

Higher hardness could mean:
Higher residual stresses
Martensite formation
The most probable cause are Higher residual stresses. 
To reduce the residual stresses are following options:
1. Increase preheat. You may try 100degC
2. Decrease interpass temperature. You May try 150 degC
3. Decrease heat Input by shortening the arc or Increase welding spead

Στις Πέμ, 9 Απρ 2020, 13:31 ο χρήστης '' via Materials & Welding <> έγραψε:

Try a slower welding speed and a closer arc length.

Regards, 9 4 2020.

David Harvey

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