Saturday, April 18, 2020

[MW:30784] Re: According to ASME B31.3 ,after NDT-RT if repair twice time on same original joint, what will be procedure as per ASME B 31.3 for tracer joint /Penalty joint

can any body explain to this repair

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 at 12:48:55 PM UTC+3, PK wrote:

Dear Experts,

According to ASME B31.3 ,after NDT-RT if repair twice time on same original joint, what will be procedure as per ASME B 31.3 for tracer joint /Penalty joint

Our query is do we need tracer for other welder ( The same joint second time repair WELDER #02 ) based on ASME B 31.3 PARA 341.3.4 CLAUSE (F)?

Regarding repairs the code state:

341.3.3 Defective Components and Workmanship.
An examined item with one or more defects (imperfections of a type or magnitude exceeding the acceptance criteria of this Code) shall be repaired or replaced; and the new work shall be reexamined by the same methods, to the same extent, and by the same acceptance criteria as required for the original work.

341.3.4 Progressive Sampling for Examination.
When required spot or random examination reveals a defect, then (a) two additional samples of the same kind (if welded or bonded joints, by the same welder, bonder or operator) shall be given the same type of examination
(b) if the items examined as required by (a) above are acceptable, the defective item shall be repaired or replaced and reexamined as specified in para. 341.3.3, and all items represented by these two additional samples shall be accepted, but (c) if any of the items examined as required by (a) above reveals a defect, two further samples of the same kind shall be examined for each defective item found by that sampling (d) if all the items examined as required by (c) above are acceptable, the defective item(s) shall be repaired or replaced and reexamined as specified in para. 341.3.3, and all items represented by the additional sampling shall be accepted, but (e) if any of the items examined as required by (c) above reveals a defect, all items represented by the progressive sampling shall be either 
(1) repaired or replaced and reexamined as required, or
(2) fully examined and repaired or replaced as necessary, and reexamined as necessary to meet the requirements of this Code
(f ) If any of the defective items are repaired or replaced, reexamined, and a defect is again detected in the repaired or replaced item, continued progressive sampling in accordance with (a), (c), and (e) is not required based on the defects found in the repair. The defective item(s) shall be repaired or replaced and reexamined until acceptance as specified in para. 341.3.3. Spot or random examination (whichever is applicable) is then performed on the remaining unexamined joints.

Thanks Alots,


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