Friday, September 14, 2018

[MW:28278] Query for WPS P1 to P8 weld joint

Dear experts,

I have qualified PQR of {SA 516 Gr 60(P1 Gr 1) to (SA 240 TP 304L(P8 Gr1)} electrode used E309L(F no.-5&A no.8)(without PWHT ) condition.

Now i have job {(SA 516 Gr 60(P1 Gr 1) to (SA 240 TP 316L(P8 Gr 1)} 
& I have a electrode E309LMo(F no.-5&A no.8)(without PWHT ) condition. The above PQR suitable for to make the WPS for this process?.



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Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone