Friday, February 6, 2015

RE: [MW:22822] High rejection rate in Tig process by using ER 70S-3

Here my comments,

Assumen quelified WPS,

Welder complains --> perform a weld yourself and verify conditions
Tungsten inclusions? --> Joint desingn,  Welder performance, Tunsteng problem. Less likely to filler metal problems 
Porosities --> Argon flow rate, cup size, environmental conditions (wind), welder perfomance, filler metal.
Slag problems in GTAW --> not experienced before. (maybe dirty joint)


Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2015 19:10:59 +0300
Subject: [MW:22818] High rejection rate in Tig process by using ER 70S-3

Dear Experts,
     I'm facing high rejec?tion rate because of Tig process ER70S-3. We changed two brands of manufacturer
And we done so many test pieces for testing.The type of repairs are mostly inclusions and some porosities.we take many steps to control,still it was continuing.
Guys pls advise to avoid this kind of repairs.
Welders are complaining that there's some slag during welding and it was moving end of the weld was entrapping on the deposited ?weld metal and it can't be identified during grinding.we removed copper coating also.but it can't he controlled.

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