Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Re: [MW:22860] Fw: QW 403.6. QW451, QW401.3 notch toughness, combination PQR's

it will be considered only for impact thickness limits. and not as a separate PQR

On 11 February 2015 at 23:15, 'Ahmed Husain' via Materials & Welding <> wrote:
In this case, if PQR of 5 mm coupon is not considered, than, minimum qualified thickness with notch toughness should be 12 mm based on ASME IX, para 403.6, not 4.8 mm.

Appreciate your response.

A.H. Sidd

From: Raghuram Bathula <>
To: Materials-Welding <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 6:46 AM
Subject: Re: [MW:22840] Fw: QW 403.6. QW451, QW401.3 notch toughness, combination PQR's

Q1:  since full mechanical tests are not done on 5mm coupon, the combination will qualify from 5mm and not 2.5mm (QW451.1)

On 9 February 2015 at 21:38, 'Ahmed Husain' via Materials & Welding <> wrote:
Dear All,
I have one query regarding below ASME IX interpretation.
How come this three PQR jointly will support a WPS with notch toughness test for thickness 4.8 mm to 57 mm? if your answer is also yes, than why answer is No for first question?

Appreciate your expert reply.

A.H. Sidd

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