Monday, February 9, 2015

[MW:22833] Dissimilar thickness weldment

Dear Experts
In the attached images which are macrographs of a sample that welded 8" pipe to 8" pipe (about 12mm thick to 16mm thick). The offset done by the surface allignment so the effect of dissimilar thickness is in root of the weld. 
The questions are according to AWS D1.1 (consider it as a statically loaded):
1 - Is this joint design is permitted or not? 
2 - What is your idea about the surface which is marked with "A" letter? It could be LOF or any other type of flaw?


M. Shokri Arfaei
ISA-ISTS - Metallurgy Lab. Manager
International Welding Engineer

Tel.: +98 21 66282127
Fax: +98 21 66282779
Mob.:+98 912 1394023

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