Wednesday, February 11, 2015

RE: [MW:22855] SS piping leaking

Please if you could send a picture of leakage points.


It´s important to categorized the leakage, if it consist in thickness wall loss or maybe cracks/fissure, type.


Once you know the kind of defect, you will detect the main cause for leak




Miroslav Tadic
Ingeniero  de Integridad
Gerencia de Producción - Mantenimiento
YPFB Chaco S.A.

De: [] En nombre de Kumar
Enviado el: martes, 10 de febrero de 2015 16:48
Para: materials-welding
Asunto: [MW:22842] SS piping leaking


Dear experts,
3" size SS piping (sa 312 tp 304) is found as leaking in few places (near to weld joint, base pipe area etc..).the service is potable water.sub- contractor saying it might be due to high chloride content (830ppm) or  defective material (leaks mostly found in 1 heat no.).which could be more relevant? If for material, what are the tests for confirmations?  Kindly share your views.
Thanks in advance,

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