Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Re: [MW:22892] Re: Excess penetration measurment in Radiograph

There is no way to measure exact amount of excess penetration in conventional radiography. The situation will be worse when you use super impose image. 

There is one way to measure the excess penetration when you have a sample radiograph of a step wedge (with small differences in thickness of each step, may be 0.5mm)  with the same exposure parameters and you can find the relation between each thickness to its film density (density gradient). However I think this way is not practical for the conventional radiography works because of such step wedge.

About the ball test I'm not agree with Mr. Gerald, because it is possible that you have two excess in a single seam  and each one of them could be acceptable but aggregation of them will cause don't passing the ball and make the seam reject.


On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 11:38 AM, <> wrote:
As that particular location of the joint is having more deposition hence it will appear brighter than normal area of root , much the brighter means more the protrusion .based on  your experience you can take decisions .

On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 1:49:32 AM UTC+5:30, sundarrajan kumaraswamy wrote:
  How to measure the excess penetration from the Radiograph of Small bore piping  DWDI superimpose Radiograph shows low density near the inner wall,
what is acceptance criteria for excess penetration as per ASME B 31.3 code, Please clarify the IMAGE CONTRAST GRAPH method .


K.Sundar Rajan

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M. Shokri Arfaei
ISA-ISTS - Metallurgy Lab. Manager
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