Wednesday, February 18, 2015

RE: [MW:22898] Rechniques for checking internal surface of piping 12" and 16" for natural gas supply



You can use a NDT technique called ultrasound guided waves (UTGW)


This technique can detect a serious kind of defects in pipelines, internal and external. Depending of pipe conditions, this NDT can inspect even 50 meters of pipeline in just one test.


As is based in ultrasonic principle, this use longitudinal and torsional waves to detect indications which are categorized quantifying the transversal loss of area in pipe. As complement, then you can use single beam of ultrasonic thickness measure to check any indication


This can be used with pipeline in service


Attached you can find a little information about this NDT


There are a lot of services in NDT which offer this one




Miroslav Tadic
Ingeniero  de Integridad
Gerencia de Producción - Mantenimiento
YPFB Chaco S.A.

De: [] En nombre de Mohammed Ghani
Enviado el: domingo, 15 de febrero de 2015 08:13
Asunto: [MW:22880] Rechniques for checking internal surface of piping 12" and 16" for natural gas supply


Dear Experts,


please let me know there is any technique available for checking internal surface of piping (in service fuel natural gas)


And also if there is nay technique for checking internal surface of piping during shutdown please let me know.

Thanks and Regards, ?

Mohammed Ghani,


CSWIP 3.1 / BGAS L-2 / ISO 9001:2008 QMS LA.


Mechanical Inspector,



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