Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Re: [MW:22849] Dissimilar thickness weldment

Mr Shokri,
You have just confirmed that this is macro from a 6GR PQR and looking at the macro, I cannot see any problem. The point you marked as A is a code requirement for 6GR qualification. In 6GR qualification, there is no transition. It is a requirement that there shall be a minimum of 5mm difference in thickness of the pipe of the same OD. Ref AWS D1.1 para 4.13 and figure 4.28 for detail insight on this.
Like I said before, this type of qualification is not meant for girth weld in tubulars but for TYK connection.
Rems Okonkwo
IWE Nigeria
On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 9:45 AM, Meisam <> wrote:
Mr. Okonkwo
Those pictures are from 6 & 12 O'clock of a 6GR WPQR. However this is not responsibility of laboratory to discover the application of WPQR.
So a new question added to my last questions is: Do the applications of the WPQR's affect the interpretation of discontinuities? If yes, please give me your reference.


From: Rems Okonkwo
Sent: ‎2/‎11/‎2015 6:52
Subject: Re: [MW:22841] Dissimilar thickness weldment

I have a different opinion on this issue. My question to Mr. Shokri will be to confirm where is this macro from, if it is from WPQR qualification, to confirm where the PQR will be applicable to. The show macro is a typical macrographic report of a 6GR welding procedure qualification for welding of TYK joints in tubular connection for examples in Jackets, Bridges Boat landing etc. this type of qualification is preceeded by a tubular mock-up

Rems Okonkwo
IWE Nigeria

On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Sergio Antonio Muñoz Pinzón <> wrote:
That is a poor join desing, please see fig. 2.6 for good transition thickness designs

Sergio Muñoz

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