Sunday, February 15, 2015

Re: [MW:22879] Dissimilar thickness weldment

I'm also agree with Mr. Okonkwo and Mr. Sergio about the joint detail (6GR for T, K, Y qualification), but in AWS D1.1-2010>>3>b we could see a requirement for macro etch sections as follow:

(b) Thorough fusion between adjacent layers of weld metal and between weld metal and base metal.

What is your interpretation about "through fusion between weld metal and base metal"? We cann't see any fusion in "A" surface. 

However I know, it is very hard or impractical to weld "A" surface specially in greater thickness differences, but the standard has no special comment about the issue.

I hope the standard add a comment that clearly introduce the minimum required depth for sides to be welded and the fusion (e.i. equal to the thinner part or etc.) in both sides.

On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 11:45 PM, Sergio Antonio Muñoz Pinzón <> wrote:
Agree with Mr Okonkwo, if this macro was taken from a 6GR coupon made for WPS qualification, chamfering does not apply.

Sergio Muñoz

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M. Shokri Arfaei
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