Tuesday, January 13, 2015

[MW:22721] Thin material welding

  Dear all,

We have a project for Seam Welding repairing work of Stainless steel
round duct piping for rubber finish building,details are as follows,
Total repairing welding length-500-550meter
Pipe material.    --EFW304/304LSS A240
Pipe thickness --below 3mm
Pipe size --0.75" -20"dia
Can you please tell me whether it is possible to do repair welding ? Method
to do repair weld.

Sent from my iPad
MOB : 966 533098265

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Re: [MW:35354] Cast-iron welding

1. Preheat joint area(other area, cover with mineral wool). 2. ENiCi or ENiFe-CI. 3. stringer bead. 4. peening is to be done on weldmetal im...