Friday, November 29, 2013

Re: [MW:19410] Use of ASME IX WPS for Dissimilar Thickness of More than Range of Groove Weld Thickness Qualified?

1. You can use compensatory block on thinner side for RT, ask your NDT contractor, he might arrange one.

2. CVN Impact specimen can be taken, did you check with the lab, why it can't be taken?

On 29 November 2013 16:58, <> wrote:


Considering unequal wall thickness,

1.     Radiography control of welded joints will be possible to do?

RT films will give too much exposure on the thinnest side, not enough exposure on the thickest side. Should Ultrasonic testing will remains as only options?

2.     Charpy V Testing of Welding Procedure Qualification can be possible?

- specimen placement in the CAP FL at Thicker member (and FL+2 and FL+5) side and CAP WM. Please see attached sketches.


Any thoughts?


Best regards,
Vijay Tayade
Welding Engineer 



From: [] On Behalf Of sevak hiren
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [MW:15278] Use of ASME IX WPS for Dissimilar Thickness of More than Range of Groove Weld Thickness Qualified?



Since this joint may be considered as single bevel groove weld joint (CJP) and considering your WPS/PQR is qualified max. up to 40 mm base metal thk. with similar thickness abutting joint, please read bold letters remarks below.

ASME Section IX. QW-202.4 Dissimilar Base Metal Thicknesses.

WPS qualified on groove welds shall be applicable for production welds between dissimilar base metal thicknesses provided:

(1) For P-No. 8, P-No. 41, P-No. 42, P-No. 43, PNo.44, P-No. 45, P-No. 46, P-No. 49, P-No. 51, P-No.52, P-No. 53, P-No. 61, and P-No. 62 metal, there shall be no limitation on the maximum thickness of the thicker production member in joints of similar P-Number materials provided qualification was made on base metal having a thickness of 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) or greater.

Remark 1: If your both joining material P Nos. are same & are one of the above mentioned P Nos. then the said joint is accepted.

Remark 2: If one of your production joint material P No. is other then of the above mentioned P Nos. then the said joint is  not accepted.

Remark 3: If both the joining materials are having different P nos. then the said joint is  not accepted.

Thanks & Regards

Hiren Sevak

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 6:15 PM, Tariq Hussain <> wrote:

Dear All,


Please advise whether A WPS qualified per ASME Sec IX. with PQR Thickness 20mm, can be used for below Joint as shown below, with dissimilar thickness of 92mm and 30mm? As shown in below figure.

Kindly Give Sec, IX clasue reference if possible.




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