Saturday, August 24, 2013

Re: [MW:18505] Product Marking on SA-516M

Dear Mr. Kundan,
Please find comments next to your query in red fonts.
Thanks & Best Regards,
Rajnish Dixit
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From: "" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 7:24 AM
Subject: [MW:18489] Product Marking on SA-516M

Subject: Product Marking on SA-516M

Dear Expert

Kindly Advice/Guide on the following Matter.

As per SA 516M - Clause No- 5.2- Plates over 40 mm shall be Normalized.
It Means it is Heat Treated Plate so marking required on Plates as per SA
20-Clause No-13.1.1-"MT"

My Plate Thk is 90 mm.

a) My Dish End Manufacturer has Procured the Plate with Marking "G" i.e.
means have not been heat treated.
Now He has given me the MTR with certifying  "MT" after performing Heat
treatment as per the requirements of  SA 20-Clause No- 13.1.2.

Now My Query is as following :

1) Can Plate Manufacturer Certify the Plate with Marking "G",If he is
Marking the letter "G" then is it deviation to Clause No 5.2 of SA 516M or
Not ? For this plate, manufacturer has to justify because the supplied plate is not meeting the requirement. In this case plate is not acceptable, it is an NCR. Point 2 (below) may be acceptable if the proposed Heat treatment is acceptable to end user for acceptance/closure of the NCR.     
2) Can D/E Manufacturer mark "MT" on this plates after performing heat
treatment. D/E mfgr. should not mark "MT" though the requirement has been fulfilled. This point should be recorded by closing above NCR. 

Thanks & Regards,
Kundan N Ahirao 

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