Monday, January 21, 2013

Re: [MW:16553] PWHT soaking Time on SS Overlay

Dear Mr Venu
For  weld overlay of( Corrosion resistance) A8  on P1 ,P4,P5 etc if PQR undergoesPWHT the Clause QW407.9 applies i.e.If  PQR qualifies  for alify for max 20hrPWHT with 1hr soaking time will qualies for 20hrs max for job
Hegde Prakash

From: venu moturu <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, 19 January 2013 2:04 PMear Mr Venu
Subject: [MW:16544] PWHT soaking Time on SS Overlay

 Dear experts ,
The production weld ( corrosion resistance overlay (SS)  3mm was deposited on the AISI 4130 Thk 50mm  by SMAW )  PWHT soaking time was exceeded the PQR soaking time more than 25% ,recommended by ASME Sec IX .
QW-407.9 A separate procedure qualification is
required for each of the following:
(a) For weld corrosion-resistant overlay of A-No. 8 on
all base materials, a change in postweld heat treatment
condition in QW-407.1, or when the total time at postweld
heat treatment encountered in fabrication exceeds 20 hr,
an increase of 25% or more in total time at postweld heat
treating temperature.
Pl. advice on the above code case as the chemical composition on PQR meets A .no.8 of sec IX
Best  Regards
Venu Moturu
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