Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Re: [MW:4249] WPS

As most of the fittings (flanges) used are forged, and since hardness is one of the important factor to be considered during welding, and there are chances that hardness on the heat effected zone of the fittings may be higher than the required values. Hence inorder to monitor the hardness values and ensure that welding procedure qualification qualifies for the fittings Too, It is prefered to weld a welding procedure qualification between pipe to flange. 
On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 9:34 AM, krishna <wiqw@rediffmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,
              Could one clarify the reason behind using pipe to flange for qualifcation of a welding procedure.
Why pipe to pipe is not used?


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Re: [MW:35354] Cast-iron welding

1. Preheat joint area(other area, cover with mineral wool). 2. ENiCi or ENiFe-CI. 3. stringer bead. 4. peening is to be done on weldmetal im...