Friday, February 19, 2010

Re: [MW:4344] paintwork marks adjacent to weld joints, welding flux, stain mark during the CCTV inspection for new O2 piping

                We have seen your Detail mail regardig the O2 line cleaning. Here in our project we had a same issue construction team erected 20 spools SS 10 IN DIAwith out internal cleanig........after long discussion we cut outall the joints they did chemical cleanig after cleaning we gone for UV LAMP inspection.

2010/2/19 Vinod Jotwani <>
Dear Team,

We have carried out CCTV inspection on new O2 piping (about 20m long of accessible opened flanged vertical and horizontal 6-in piping) installed during Revamp and visually found paintwork marks adjacent to wild joints, welding flux, stain mark which was a left-over mark by a CS metal plate laid inside the piping (inside the horizontal piping) and particulates. As per specifications the O2 piping shall be free from all contaminants which may react easily such as petroleum products (paintwork marks, oil, grease and organic materials) and shall be free from the presence of particulate matter which may react with O21 and/or eventually ignite the piping.

Seek your technical advice on the findings and greatly appreciate  to share on recommendations.

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Re: [MW:35354] Cast-iron welding

1. Preheat joint area(other area, cover with mineral wool). 2. ENiCi or ENiFe-CI. 3. stringer bead. 4. peening is to be done on weldmetal im...