Wednesday, February 10, 2010

[MW:4277] RE: 4265] GRE pipes identification

Dear Rasheed,

GRE pipes are made by winding of glass mats/ rolls on moulds .etc….

As far as traceability is concerned thy do have the lot numbers traceable to resin/ glass wool batch numbers and certificates. Plus in addition to this as per code loi and other tests also are carried out on batches and recorded in test certificates.

Kindly ask for these………although the process is different than metal pipes but lot wise traceability ( with test certificates) is these for GRE pipes also.





From: [] On Behalf Of rasheed shaik
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:32 PM
Subject: [MW:4265] GRE pipes identification



can any one plz tell me how to trace the GRE pipes identification,
generally it will not have any heat number punched or stenciled on it
is it necessary to have the heat number for these pipes.




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