Monday, February 15, 2016

Re: [MW:24291] API 1104 Procedure Qualification to cover maximum material

Dear Paravin,
As per Code 1104 considering only yield strength , you can use. But check your specification for notch toughness requirement and the same has been done for X65 .

Johnson Prabu

From: Pravin Nimbalkar <>
To: Materials & Welding <>
Sent: Wednesday, 10 February 2016 10:40 PM
Subject: [MW:24259] API 1104 Procedure Qualification to cover maximum material

Dear Experts,

PQR as per API 1104 for Saudi ARAMCO Piping Project.
Applicable standard's: API 1104, B31.8, SAES-W-012
PQR pipe material:API 5L Gr.X65 to same.
Que: Can we use same WPS to cover API 5L Gr. X65, A333 Gr.6, A350LF2 and similar weld joint without change in AWS classification of Consumables.

We have considered base material; specified yeild minimum yeild strenght is not be more than the qualified procedure Yeild strenght I.e A333 Gr.6 and A350 LF2 yeild strenght is less than API 5L Gr.X65.

Please correct me if interpretation is wrong as per API 1104.

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