Wednesday, February 17, 2016

[MW:24310] RE: 24309] PAUT & TOFD Level III

Hi Mostafa,


These techniques are very specialized techniques. Not all NDE techs are up to speed with both of these techniques. Please see some guidelines from the BINDT on the same.


I’m not sure , where you’re located, you may check with the local high profile NDE Schools or Companies, who’ll have those personnel in their team





Pradip Goswami, P.Eng,IWE
Independent Welding & Metallurgical Engineering Specialist & Consultant.


From: []
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 8:25 AM
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:24309] PAUT & TOFD Level III


Dear Sir,

Kindly clarify if  there is level III in PAUT&TOFD or not. our client insists for level III in PAUT&TOFD for PAUT procedure review and level II in PAUT&TOFD to carry out the work. i searched many but i found NO body has this certificates. are these certificates true? and how can i get it?

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